What to do when you hear the siren

Public warning is one of the most important civil protection measures. It is performed by warning signals through the sirens. Most often supplement informations are provided in the transmitted mass media (radio, television, reporting from municipalities / town radio).

The sound of sirens always means some risk. It points out that there may be or have been an emergency that threatens the lives and health of citizens, property and the environment (according to the tone signal and duration of the check, which warns you before). Every citizen in this situation takes place according to their abilities, knowledge, skills and follow the instructions issued by the competent authorities. It’s necessary to hide in suitable premises, or leave the danger zone.

If you hear a warning signal

  • warns,
  • indicates the unexpected event,
  • communicating threat to life and property of the population,
  • you can distinguish the meaning of threat warning by the signal tone and its duration,
  • listen to the following spoken information broadcast by radio, television or the message of the (urban) radio.

Verbal information includes

  • date and time of the occurrence or termination of the threat,
  • the source of the threat,
  • the identity of the threat,
  • data on the size of the compromised area,
  • basic instructions to conduct population.


Signal Name Used in case Warning mode
General threat In the risk or occurrence of an emergency, as well as expansion options to major emergencies 2 – minute variable siren tone
Water threat When threatened by the ravages of water 6 – minute steady siren tone
End of threat End of threat or end of the action of emergencies effects 2 – minute steady siren tone without repeating

Warning signals GENERAL THREAT, WATER THREAT and END OF THREAT will be followed by the spoken informations through mass media (place, time, type of threat, the size of the compromised area, the guidelines for action inhabitants).

Signal GENERAL THREAT is used also in case of air attack of the national territory during a state of war and during the war. Verbal information in that case contains the definition of territory for which it is declared and a term AIR ALARM.